WISEPIM's Productivity Secrets: Our Essential Software Stack Revealed

Looking to optimize your company's software stack? Explore WISEPIM's comprehensive guide to essential software tools, integrations, and automation workflows that help scale modern SaaS businesses.

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WISEPIM's Productivity Secrets: Our Essential Software Stack Revealed

Most startups quickly acquire a lot of different tools to make their work easier and collaborate in different ways.

At WISEPIM, we carefully select our software stack to ensure maximum productivity, seamless collaboration, and excellent service delivery. Here's an inside look at the tools that help us excel.

Development & Code Management

  • GitHub: Our central hub for code versioning and collaboration
  • Cursor IDE: Our preferred code editor with integrated AI capabilities
  • Sentry: For real-time error tracking and monitoring
    • Provides detailed insights when issues occur
    • Enables proactive problem-solving through instant notifications
    • Helps maintain excellent user experience

Communication & Collaboration

  • Google Workspace: Our foundation for daily operations
    • Google Meet for video conferencing
    • Gmail for email communication
    • Google Slides for presentations
    • Google Sheets for spreadsheet needs
    • Google Drive for file storage and sharing
  • Slack: Our internal communication backbone
    • Integrates with our other tools
    • Centralizes notifications from various services
    • Streamlines team communication
  • Miro: For collaborative brainstorming sessions

Project & Task Management

  • Linear: Internal task and project management
  • Asana: Client-facing project management
  • Circleback.ai: AI-powered meeting notes
    • The best quality AI meeting notes we have seen.
    • It has some really cool integrations, more on that later in this post.

Customer & Content Management

  • Attio: Our CRM solution
  • Sanity CMS: Our headless CMS solution
    • Powers our blog, tutorials, and changelog
    • Features a built-in CDN for content delivery
    • Enables flexible content that's reusable across different platforms
    • It has collaboration built in, we can work on the same content similar to how Google Docs works
  • June Analytics: User behavior insights
    • Helps us understand feature usage
    • Guides product improvement decisions
    • We want to learn about how customers are using WISEPIM so we can further improve our platform and make sure the most used features get the love they deserve.
  • Loops: Handles our transactional emails and updates

Infrastructure & Payments

  • Cloudflare: DDOS protection and DNS management
  • Stripe: Payment processing
    • Stripe seems to have the most integrations with other tools out of all payment providers that we have come across.

A recommendation from Diego: Amplenote

Our CTO Diego is obsessed with note taking and is building a second brain. He believes that our brain is good at forming connections and being creative, but not that great at storing information.

So he tries to offload that so he:

  • Doesn't forget anything.
  • Can more easily share knowledge with others.
  • By writing ideas and thoughts down he can think more freely, because he doesn't have to worry about remembering it.
  • It's easy to stumble upon thoughts you had earlier, that can now be reused and added to.

With Amplenote you can link notes to each other so they are actually connected and you can always find back everything.

It becomes like a large mindmap, a web of notes that are linked together.

Let's say Diego remembers that Pieter told him something important 4 months ago, but he doesn't exactly know anymore what it was about.

He will go to his Note about Pieter, find all the notes with references to Pieter and get the whole context instantly.

It's also nice that you don't have to decide on a location to save notes, you just create a note and connect them to others by mentioning the other notes.

He currently has +5000 notes and counting. It's compounding interest on knowledge!

Moments of genius come from accumulating wisdom, not from something out of the back pocket.

Key Integrations

One of the things we kept in mind when choosing the services we would like to use, is the individual integrations with each other.

Standalone services can be useful on their own, but the real magic happens when you can hook them together to create powerful workflows.

Here are a few examples of the workflows we have setup that help us to get more done:

  • Meeting Follow-ups:
    • Circleback automatically creates Linear tasks for every action item that was discussed.
    • Meeting notes sync to Attio (our CRM)
  • Slack Notifications:
    • Payment alerts from Stripe
    • Customer feedback
    • Meeting notes from Circleback
    • Sentry error alerts
  • Customer Data Flow:
    • June updates contact information in Attio
    • Stripe connects with Loops for payment-related communications

What tools are you using and excited about? We love to discuss this, so next time you talk to us, let us know!

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