WISEPIM Team Explores Latest Innovations at Picqer's Meet and Grill

Discover WISEPIM's insights from Picqer's Meet and Grill event. Learn about bulk order processing, improved location management, and future PIM-warehouse integrations.

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WISEPIM Team Explores Latest Innovations at Picqer's Meet and Grill

The WISEPIM® team recently attended Picqer's Meet and Grill event to learn about the latest developments in warehousing software. It was an excellent opportunity to connect with the tech team and represent our customers' interests. Here's a comprehensive update on Picqer's latest warehousing innovations:

Key Feature: Bulk Processing for Identical Orders

Streamlining High-Volume Order Fulfillment

In situations where you receive a large number of orders for the same product (e.g., pre-orders, backorders, or successful promotions), Picqer has introduced an efficient bulk processing feature:

  • Singles Batch Processing: Bundle identical orders into a singles batch for streamlined picking and packing.
  • One-Click Processing: With a single click, process all pick lists from a singles batch containing the same product and quantity.
  • Time-Saving Benefits: Reduce mouse clicks and processing time significantly.
  • Simplified Packing: Easily pack the correct number of products per package and attach shipping labels quickly.

Note: This feature is currently available in the new batch pages. Enable it via Experimental features.

For more insights, check out Picqer's extensive blog post on bulk processing products.

Enhanced Location Management

Improved Label Printing for End Locations

Picqer has upgraded its label printing capabilities:

  • Bulk Printing: Print labels for all underlying end locations at once.
  • Deepest Level Coverage: Labels are printed for locations at the deepest level.
  • Use Cases: Ideal for printing labels for an entire aisle or when implementing location labels at a later stage.

Exclusive Locations Made Easy

Setting up and managing exclusive locations is now more straightforward:

  • Import exclusive locations via location import
  • Use the wizard for quick setup
  • Leverage the API for programmatic management


Additional Improvements

Preferred Warehouse for Fulfillment Customers:

  • Set a preferred warehouse for each fulfillment customer
  • Applies to returns, purchase orders, and receipts
  • Prevents stock misallocation

Enhanced Product and Stock Visibility:

  • View all product movements in the movement history on the new product page
  • Access stock history for locations and containers via their detail pages

Improved Picking Process:

  • 'Component' label for products part of a composition during app-based picking
  • Facilitates merging of products during the picking process

Revamped Purchase Order Display:

  • Information now displayed in separate 'cards'
  • More intuitive navigation of order details

New API Features:

  • New endpoint for shipments (single or all)
  • Inclusion of via_portal attribute in order API responses

User Experience Enhancements:

  • Flexible quantity input (numeric or text) when importing products into an order
  • Improved @ mention functionality in comment fields

WISEPIM® and Picqer: Future Integration

As we continue to evolve WISEPIM®, one of our next steps is to establish a seamless connection with Picqer. This integration will allow for real-time stock management directly within the PIM system, ensuring up-to-date stock levels across platforms.

We recognize the critical importance of warehouse software integration and are committed to expanding our support in this area to meet the growing needs of our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on our journey to create a more integrated and efficient product information and warehouse management ecosystem!

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