Why? Powering Next-Gen Companies

Do you own a business and a have a marketing team? Often business managers, CEOs and marketing teams, find it difficult to maintain, manage, translate, enrich and keep control on their warehouse and product data. They are losing a lot of valued time to check if their data is correct, and spending too many hours on micro management and keeping up with tasks. WISEPIM contributes to your team by leveraging the power of your team with AI enrichment.

Do you own a marketing agency? Often marketing team struggles with creating compelling store telling and product descriptions that fit business branding and personality. It costs too much time to create descriptions for 1M products. Without a extendable team product strategy and scaling will be problematic: e.g. personalized and multilanguage products. WISEPIM allows you to scale your marketing team allowing for teams to work on enriched content which saves you alot of time and hassle.

Are you a CEO? Often CEOs struggle with daily operations such as focussing on strategy and making sure staff e.g. the marketing team is working efficiently when working with product data. In ecommerce, they need to know how resources are spent and that the team is productive and can access any information. He will require, control, risk minimization, resource allocation. Product Systems that are not efficient can cost organisations tons of money. WISEPIM is your platform to have a competitive advantage and to be a leader in your field.